Case study | Geotechnical Engineering
University of Illinois – Springfield Soccer Field

University of Illinois – Springfield
FieldTurf, Inc.
Project Cost
$11,000 (KEG Fee)
Completed Spring 2020
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) performed a geotechnical study for a proposed synthetic soccer field to be constructed on the existing soccer field at the Kiwanis Stadium at the University of Illinois – Springfield campus in Springfield, Illinois.
The field exploration consisted of five (5) borings to depths of 11.5 feet each and three (3) percolation test holes to depths of four (4) feet, per FieldTurf, Inc., requirements. The borings and subsequent laboratory testing were used to document the subsurface conditions, the influence of groundwater and/or rock for design considerations, identify potentially unsuitable soils, and evaluate the type of soil support for the proposed turf field.
In general, the subsurface conditions consist of medium-stiff to stiff soils to the depths explored. Groundwater was not encountered during the excavation of the borings or percolation test holes. Design recommendations and construction considerations were provided, including site drainage and grading, site preparation, fill materials and compaction, slab-on-grade construction, shallow foundation excavations, turf and floor slab subgrades, below-grade walls, stormwater detention basins, pavement, and erosion control.
Kiwanis Stadium, the home of the Prairie Stars soccer teams, has a history rich in tradition and experience. Originally constructed in 1977, the money for the original sod for the field was raised and donated by the Springfield Kiwanis Club. Kiwanis Stadium has been the host site of three NAIA National Tournaments (1978 – 1980) and has hosted the UMBRO Senior Bowl twice. The facility seats over 1,500 fans and is lighted for the numerous night games held on campus.