Case study | Transportation Engineering
14th Street and Trendley Avenue Reconstruction

St. Clair County, Illinois
St. Clair County Intergovernmental Grants Department
Project Cost
Completed September 2014
The St. Clair County Intergovernmental Grants Department contracted Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) to prepare construction plans, bid documents, and construction estimates for the 14th Street and Trendley Avenue roadway reconstruction project in East St. Louis, Illinois. The project limits included 14th Street from Piggott Avenue to Market Avenue and Trendley Avenue from 13th Street to 14th Street, encompassing roughly 0.25 miles of roadway reconstruction.
The project included widening of the roadway to provide uniform travel lanes, the removal and replacement of the existing curb and gutter, entire removal of the roadway surface and sub-base with the replacement of full-depth hot-mix asphalt pavement, drainage improvements, and driveway reconstruction. New sidewalks and curb ramps were designed for this project to meet current ADA guidelines.
KEG provided topographic survey services, established the horizontal and vertical alignments, and new storm sewer design, prepared cross-sections, and prepared details for the project. KEG also provided construction management services to keep the project on schedule and within budget, as well as revised and modified project work plans, oversaw periodic inspections of the site, and provided effective communication with the contractor responsible for the project.
The construction of the project was funded utilizing a grant from the St. Clair County Intergovernmental Grants Department. The construction improvements began in April of 2014 and were finished in September 2014.