Case study | Geotechnical Engineering
PTB 177-09 Pinecrest Drive over I-74

Illinois Department of Transportation
Project Cost
$9.6 Million
Estimated Completion Summer 2022
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) completed field observation and logging of five borings and the geotechnical analysis for a Structure Geotechnical Report (SGR), as well as completed the structural design of the substructure units for the replacement of the existing bridge (SN 090-0091) located at Pinecrest Drive over I-74 in East Peoria, Tazewell County, Illinois.
The original structure was built in1959 and widened with a new deck in 1982. It consists of a four-span structure with continuous wide-flange beams with pile bent pier abutments and reinforced concrete columns.
The replacement structure will consist of a two-span bridge with a 16-degree 36-minute 41-second skew from the centerline of I-74. The new structure measures 214 feet from back-to-back of abutments, with an out-to-out width of 75 feet – 10 inches. The bridge carries two, 14-foot traffic lanes, 8-foot outside shoulders, a 12-foot left-turn lane, and a 10-foot wide multi-use path on the east side of the structure. The structure will be constructed utilizing stage construction to maintain one lane of traffic in each direction.
The superstructure consists of a cast-in-place concrete deck supported by composite plate girders. The substructure units consist of integral abutments supported by metal shell piling. The pier consists of a pier cap, supported by six (6) three-foot-six-inch columns, and a crash wall. The pier foundation consists of a spread footing supported by 30 metal shell piles. The metal shell piles were spaced to avoid conflicts with the existing structures piling. Special care was taken during the design process due to the stage construction loadings.
As part of the SGR, KEG provided settlement analysis, pile analysis, slope stability analysis, and seismic analysis.