Case study | Geotechnical Engineering
Fox Ridge State Park Slope Analysis

Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Farnsworth Group, Inc.
Project Cost
$15,000 (KEG Fee)
Completed 2018 (KEG Services)
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided geotechnical engineering services to Farnsworth Group, Inc. and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) for the completion of a slope stability analysis and design for repairs to an existing slope experiencing movement. The project involved a roadway embankment slope sliding into a lake along the entrance road to Fox Ridge State Park in Charleston, Illinois.
KEG’s geotechnical staff made a site visit to observe the slope movement issues that had occurred and to observe a portion of the field exploration completed by IDOT personnel. The 150-foot long and 65-foot high slope had appeared to subside up to 3 feet vertically, near the crest of the slope where it met the entrance road. A visible scarp was observed near the crest of the slope in an arc-like pattern across the slope. A historical review of available data provided by IDOT, generally indicated the movements began in June 2011 and have persisted through today.
KEG’s geotechnical staff performed stability analysis using Slope/W using an estimated geometry of the slope in its current state of erosion and failure and soil information provided by IDOT, in order to recommend a repair for the slope.