Case study | Funding and Grants
2015 City of Belleville STP Application – West Main Street

City of Belleville, Illinois
City of Belleville, Illinois
Project Cost
$1.03 Million
Estimated Completion 2019
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) was contracted by the City of Belleville, Illinois to prepare a grant application to request Transportation Improvement Program Surface Transportation Program (STP) federal funds for the resurfacing of a portion of West Main Street in Belleville, Illinois. The project limits begin at the intersection of West Main Street with 17th Street and continue westward along West Main Street to the intersection of West Main Street with 28th Street.
Existing West Main Street is a two-way, minor arterial roadway that connects Downtown Belleville with commercial, residential, and educational institutions, including Lindenwood University and Union Elementary School, on the west end of Belleville. The asphalt roadway, concrete curb and gutters, and sidewalks are showing signs of deterioration and are in poor condition. The existing sidewalks do not meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) policies and do not provide a continuous ADA pedestrian route along West Main Street.
The proposed project improvements will address several of the poor condition items along West Main Street. The project will include milling the existing asphalt pavement and resurfacing it with a 2-inch hot-mix asphalt (HMA) overlay. The project will also include the removal and replacement of the existing concrete curbs and sidewalks in areas where they are in poor condition or do not meet ADA standards. The new concrete sidewalks and curb ramps will meet ADA requirements.
In the St. Louis Metropolitan area, the federal funding request applications are submitted to the East-West Gateway Council of Governments for review and selection. KEG prepared the STP grant application for the West Main Street project for the Fiscal Year 2016-2019. The STP application included an evaluation of the existing and proposed bicycle and pedestrian facilities, utilities, safety, sustainable development, and the movement of goods. KEG also prepared a schedule of key milestones for the project development from contract execution through project construction, as well as a construction cost estimate for the proposed improvements.