Case study | Transportation Engineering
Allen Road at IL Route 6 Traffic Signal & Signing Plan

Illinois Department of Transportation
Project Cost
$12.5 Million
Estimated Completion 2016
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) prepared traffic signal and signing plans along Allen Road in Peoria, Illinois. KEG prepared traffic signal plans, special provisions, and quantity calculations for the intersections of Allen Road with the northbound Illinois Route 6 ramps, the southbound Illinois Route 6 ramps, and West Van Winkle Way. The improvements to these intersections were necessary due to the widening of Allen Road and the addition of new turn lanes. The signals along the corridor were part of an actuated-coordinated traffic signal system. KEG also provided the signing plan necessary for the revised roadway configuration.
Because this project was being designed along a state route, KEG was heavily involved in coordinating the traffic signal design with IDOT’s District traffic signal personnel.