Case study | Geotechnical Engineering
Anway Trail and 2 Mile Creek Bridge Replacements

USDA Forest Service
Eastern Region USDA Forest Service
Project Cost
$26,100 (KEG Fee)
Completed October 2020 (KEG Services)
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided geotechnical field exploration and engineering services to the USDA Forest Service Eastern Region and the Chippewa National Forest in Itasca and Cass Counties, Minnesota. The project consisted of geotechnical investigations for the replacement of two trail bridges located within the Chippewa National Forest.
Exploration consisted of obtaining borings at the Anway Trail structure using hand excavation methods and obtaining borings at the Two Mile Creek structure with a drill rig. Conditions required field coordination with USFS Rangers and access to the remote locations utilizing ATVs.
After an Award Letter was issued on August 24, 2020, KEG personnel arrived on-site to complete the work on September 21, 2020. The fieldwork portion of the project, which consisted of two borings at each structure was completed in two days. A KEG Field Engineer and Surveyor completed the field logging of each boring, obtained pictures, and took survey measurements and elevations of each boring location and the structures while on-site. Laboratory testing was completed on the soils encountered for the development of the analysis parameters. Results were summarized in Geotechnical Reports for each structure, including recommendations for helical anchor support of the structures as an option. The project was completed within a tight schedule and within the agreed budget. The Forest Service accepted the final report with minimal comments.