Case study | Environmental Science
Bloomington Safe Routes to School PESA

City of Bloomington, Illinois
City of Bloomington, Illinois
Project Cost
$12,623 (KEG Fee)
Completed February 2020
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided environmental services for the City of Bloomington, Illinois, in support of Safe Routes to School (SRTS) improvements for approximately 1.3 linear miles of sidewalk in the City of Bloomington. The proposed project included replacing sidewalks along 11 streets: White Oak Road, Hinshaw Avenue, Cottage Avenue, Livingston Street, Western Avenue, Morris Street, Market Street, Chestnut Street, Walnut Street, Blackstone Street, and Seminary Street. No roadway construction was proposed
KEG’s scope of work included completing a Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (PESA) to document natural and man-made hazards that may be encountered as a result of the project. KEG utilized environmental database results to screen 38 sites along the project area for potential hazards. Of the 38 sites, eight contained Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs), while 31 contained de minimis conditions only (potential lead paint, asbestos, or use of herbicides/pesticides). The PESA was approved in February 2020.