Case study | Transportation Engineering
Business 50 Reconstruction, Washington, IN

City of Washington
VS Engineering
Project Cost
$9.5 Million
Estimated Completion 2024
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided transportation design services for the reconstruction of the Business 50 (National Highway) Corridor, from SE 3rd Street to State Street in Washington, Indiana.
The City of Washington is reconstructing and making intersection improvements along the Corridor, including full pavement reconstruction and utility replacements. The project was funded as part of the INDOT/FHWA Local Public Agency program.
KEG was responsible for traffic data collection and traffic signal design in support of the project. KEG performed data collection and analysis for volume counts and signal warrants. Traffic Data was collected with magnetic traffic analyzers and then ADT forecasted to the design year, including directional distribution, design hourly volume, and percent of commercial vehicles. KEG then performed a complete traffic signal design for 6 signals (3 replacements, 2 modernizations, and 1 new install). The design included signal pole relocations for intersection reconstruction and the preparation of an INDOT Traffic Signalization Plan for submittal.