Case study | Funding and Grants
Decatur 2016 TIGER Grant Application

City of Decatur, Illinois
Timothy Gleason, City Manager
Project Cost
Completed 2016
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided support in the preparation of the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) VIII grant application for the City of Decatur, Illinois. The TIGER program enables the Department of Transportation to use a rigorous merit-based process to select projects with exceptional benefits, explore ways to deliver projects faster and save on construction costs and make needed investments in our Nation’s infrastructure.
The City of Decatur TIGER VIII grant application detailed a request for $20 million for the construction of a grade-separated intersection and associated transportation infrastructure improvements along Brush College Road at Faries Parkway in eastern Decatur. The proposed improvements were anticipated to allow uninterrupted access for commuters, local agribusiness deliveries, and emergency responders.
KEG was tasked with completing the TIGER VIII grant application, a benefit-cost analysis for the project, obtaining letters of support from local stakeholders (e.g. government agencies and officials), and the TIGER VIII grant project information form, and subsequently, submitting all the application documentation by the TIGER VIII grant deadline via the website. A fundamental task of the project was the completion of the TIGER VIII grant application, which included a detailed analysis of how the project was established and measured against the TIGER grant primary and secondary selection criteria.
The completed application and supporting documentation helped the City of Decatur formalize the project further for future implementation.