Case study | Environmental Science
Edens Spur Tollway Reconstruction

Illinois State Toll Highway Authority
Ciorba Group, Inc.
Project Cost
$109 Million
Completed 2020
The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (ISTHA) proposed a combination of rehabilitation and reconstruction projects, including twelve bridge replacements, along Interstate 94 (I-94) Edens Spur from milepost (MP) 26.25 to MP 30.0 in Northbrook and Deerfield, Cook County, Illinois. The project spans from I-94 Edens Spur Tollway near Pfingsten Road to the west to Skokie Road to the east. As a subconsultant to Ciorba Group, Inc, Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided environmental and roadway design services. The preferred alternative will enclose the median, by installing a barrier and adding a wider inside shoulder. New drainage structures and storm sewers will replace the existing system. The side slopes and outer ditches will be regraded to meet current Illinois Tollway standards. Upgrades to the Intelligent Transportation System are planned, as well as a new lighting system
Environmental tasks included the following:
- Preparation and submittal of the Environmental Studies Inventory Sheets (ESIS I and II) and Environmental Narrative Report via ebuilder;
- Completion of the Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (PESA) report;
- Coordination with local, state, and federal agencies, including Section 106 and USFWS Section 7;
- Completion of a stream and wetland survey of the project corridor;
- Completion of a Wetland Delineation Report;
- Coordination with the Tollway regarding permits; and
- Completion of the 404/401 Permit Application Package for submittal to the Chicago Corps.
Design tasks included the following:
- Preliminary and final landscape plans for all four contracts, which utilized native seed mixes, where appropriate; and
- Preliminary and final erosion control plans for all four contracts, which met Illinois Tollway design standards and specifications, as well as fulfilling government agency requirements to minimize impacts to streams and wetlands. Erosion control measures incorporated into the plans included:
- Immediate seeding and sodding;
- Super silt fence placement along the construction limits and limits of wetlands and waterways; and
- Inlet / outlet protection near culverts, temporary ditch checks, and detention basins.