Case study | Environmental Science
Emerson Avenue Traffic Noise Analysis

City of Indianapolis, Indiana
American Structurepoint, Inc.
Project Cost
$16,400 (KEG Fee)
Completed 2020
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided noise analysis services in support of a proposed 2.19-mile added travel lanes project along Emerson Avenue for the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, in coordination with the Central Office of the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) [INDOT Des Nos.: 1702976, 1802108, 1801448]. The project limits extend from East Southport Road south to the Emerson Pointe Shopping Center intersection. The project is located within the City of Indianapolis, Marion and Johnson Counties, Indiana.
The proposed improvements include widening Emerson Avenue to include four, 12-foot wide travel lanes (two northbound, two southbound), one 16-foot wide two-way left-turn lane or a raised median, curb and gutters, two 6-foot wide sidewalks (one on either side of the proposed roadway), and 6-foot wide vegetated utility strips located between the curb and the sidewalk on either side of the roadway. Right-of-way was required for the project, but no relocations were necessary. The design year for the proposed project is 2042.
KEG’s tasks included the preparation of a Noise Technical Report to satisfy State and Federal noise analysis requirements. The purpose of the report is to document the selection of sensitive noise receptors, the noise monitoring methodology, the traffic noise impact analysis, and the traffic noise abatement evaluation. Additionally, as part of the overall analysis, KEG conducted field monitoring and model validation within the project area. The report concluded 177 noise-sensitive receptors were identified in the project area within 13 common noise environments (CNEs).
As a result of analysis using TNM 2.5, one CNE approached, or exceeded, the NAC and therefore was considered impacted. However, a noise barrier analysis conducted for the impacted receptors in this CNE, determined there was no acoustically feasible way to build a noise barrier along Emerson Avenue at this location; and as such, was also determined not reasonable. Therefore, the only provision to reduce noise should be to follow INDOT Standard Specifications during construction.