Case study | Geotechnical Engineering
F.A.U. 1504 (55 Street) – Wolf Road to Brainard Avenue

Illinois Department of Transportation
Bowman Consulting Group
Project Cost
Completed December 2019
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided geotechnical services to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) District 1, as a sub-consultant to Bowman Consulting Group. KEG provided geotechnical drilling services and Roadway Geotechnical Report (RGR) preparation for improvements to 55th Street located in Cook County, Illinois. Improvements include reconstruction of the pavements, addition of a pedestrian path, and extension to an existing culvert under the pavement.
KEG geotechnical staff coordinated the drilling and logged the borings during exploration. Eleven (11) subgrade borings, two (2) culvert borings, eight (8) sign structure borings, and one Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) test were completed along the alignment. Drilling was completed under traffic control and multiple lane closures. Results of the field exploration and analysis were summarized in an RGR per (IDOT) specifications.
KEG’s geotechnical staff utilized a combination of existing boring data, supplemented by the new boring data and laboratory tests for the geotechnical analysis, which included global stability of slopes near the culvert extension, foundation recommendations for the culvert extension, sign structure foundation recommendations, pavement design recommendations for the pedestrian trail and existing roadbed and construction recommendations for general fill placement.