Case study | Transportation Engineering
Fourth Street Improvements, University of Illinois

University of Illinois
Foth Infrastructure & Environment, L.L.C.
Project Cost
$1.6 Million
Completed August 2014
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) was subcontracted by Foth Infrastructure and Environment to provide Phase II services for the reconstruction of Fourth Street from Kirby Drive to Armory Avenue on the University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana Campus. This $1.6 Million Capital Development Board project included a new storm sewer, curb and gutter, curb ramps and sidewalk, new concrete pavement from Kirby Avenue to Peabody Drive, hot-mix asphalt resurfacing from Peabody Drive to Armory Avenue, and traffic signal improvements. Bike lanes were provided on both sides of Fourth Street. These improvements were part of an ongoing University of Illinois program to improve the worst condition, high volume streets, and elevate conditions to current campus standards.
KEG staff prepared maintenance of traffic and traffic signal plans, specifications, and cost estimates for the upgrade of existing traffic signals at the intersections of Fourth Street with Peabody Drive and Fourth Street with Kirby Avenue. Traffic signals at the intersection of Fourth Street with Peabody Avenue were upgraded with new LED signals, audible pedestrian signals, and internally illuminated street name signs. New mast arms and poles were added for improved safety. The existing traffic signal controller was modified for compatibility with the upgraded traffic signal system.
Traffic signals at the Intersection of Fourth Street with Kirby Avenue were upgraded with new LED signals. The existing traffic signal controller and cabinet were completely replaced using the latest technological components including an uninterruptable power supply with battery backup. Detailed cost estimates were prepared during the program analysis phase; intermediate design phase; and final, construction ready, design phase.
Construction documents were prepared in accordance with the Capital Development Board of Illinois procedures and Illinois Department of Transportation standards and specifications. During construction, KEG staff provided support including shop drawing review and responses to contractor’s questions.