Case study | Transportation Engineering
Fourth Street, St. Mary’s to Kirby Avenue

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Project Cost
$1.8 Million
Completed August 2016
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) was selected by the University of Illinois and the City of Champaign to prepare design plans for the reconstruction of Fourth Street. The proposed design consisted of the reconstruction of approximately 1,200 feet of Fourth Street, from St. Mary’s Road to Kirby Avenue.
KEG’s responsibilities included transportation, geotechnical, and environmental services. KEG’s transportation scope involved the design of a new 3-lane urban roadway including bike lanes in both directions, traffic counts to determine the pavement design, a new storm sewer system, permanent signing and pavement marking, a new traffic signal system for the intersection of Fourth Street with Kirby Avenue, and a new sidewalk along the east side of the proposed roadway.
KEG’s geotechnical scope included pavement borings along the street alignment, including coring of the existing pavements for pavement design recommendations. The borings were drilled to depths of 6 feet. KEG personnel coordinated and logged the borings and retained the soils and pavement core samples for additional testing. Photos of the existing pavement cores were obtained during field exploration. The pavement core materials and thicknesses were identified and measured. The existing concrete cores were tested for compressive strength and the soil cuttings were retained from each boring for the development of an Illinois Bearing Ratio Test for subgrade support. Geotechnical recommendations were summarized and submitted in a letter report.
KEG’s environmental scope included submitting the Environmental Survey Request, as well as writing the Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment for the Illinois Department of Transportation.