Case study | Construction Inspection
Galesburg Traffic Signal Modernization

City of Galesburg, Illinois
City of Galesburg, Illinois
Project Cost
Completed 2020
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC, provided construction inspection services for the upgrade of traffic signals at nine locations within the City of Galesburg, Illinois. The city of Galesburg received state and federal funds to upgrade nine existing traffic signal locations within the city. This project consists of modifying the sequencing of nine existing signalized intersections to change from protected/permissive left-turn operation to protected/flashing yellow arrow operation by modifying the existing traffic signal controller cabinets, rebuilding existing signal heads, installing new traffic signal controllers, signal heads, electric cable, mast arms, backplates, and performing all collateral work required to complete the improvements.
The new traffic signal locations will be able to provide increased safety, reduce congestion, and improve air quality at these nine locations. The signal heads are larger and meet current standards, which will improve visibility. The use of LED bulbs will reduce electrical use at these intersections. This will result in significant savings on the city’s electrical bill.
KEG provided personnel to serve as the Resident Engineer and provided inspection services and performed all the construction and materials documentation for this project. Documentation was maintained per Federal requirements and used IDOT’s ICORS Documentation system.