Case study | Environmental Science
I-74 and I-57 Noise Study

Illinois Department of Transportation
Bacon Farmer Workman Engineering & Testing, Inc.
Project Cost
$115 Million
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG), in coordination with Bacon Farmer, Workman Engineering & Testing, Inc., was contracted by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to conduct Phase I/II engineering services for the improvement of the I-74 at I-57 Interchange in Champaign, Champaign County, Illinois. The purpose of the proposed interchange reconstruction improvement is to provide safer and more efficient transportation at the I-57 and I-74 interchange by eliminating deficient geometric features and reducing points of access in order to reduce crash frequency and severity, improve travel efficiency, and increase the traffic capacity of the roadways.
KEG completed the Noise Technical Report for the project. The study evaluated traffic noise impacts for the proposed improvements to the interchange. KEG measured noise levels at several sites within the project limits to validate the use of the currently approved TNM 2.5 model for predicting noise. Once the model was validated, KEG predicted the existing and projected (2040) noise at a total of 14 Common Noise Environments (CNEs).
Noise level predictions for the Build Alternative indicated that 13 CNEs, representing 133 single-family residential receptors, 144 multi-family residential receptors, one park, and two churches will experience noise levels that exceed the Noise Abatement Criteria due to an increase in traffic volumes with the proposed interchange design. A barrier analysis was then conducted for the impacted receptors.
The results of the analysis suggested noise abatement measures are likely to be implemented based on preliminary designs. A final decision on the installation of abatement measures will be made upon completion of the project’s final design and public involvement process. The Noise Technical Report was submitted to IDOT in December 2014 for approval.