Case study | Environmental Science
IDOT PTB 186-02 111th Street at I-94 (Bishop Ford Expressway)

Illinois Department of Transportation
Huff and Huff, Inc.
Project Cost
$6,084 (Fee)
Completed 2019
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided environmental services for District 1 of the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) in support of a roadway improvement project on 111th Street at I-94 in Cook County, Illinois [IDOT Seq. No.: 22413]. The project was located in South Deering and Pullman near Chicago, Illinois. The proposed project included roadway improvements along I-94, approximately 1,550 feet north of the I-94/111th Street interchange, and approximately 1,285 feet south of the interchange. The project extends east to include South Doty Avenue, which runs parallel to I-94 and extends west to include South Doty Avenue to the intersection of Corliss Avenue and 111th Street.
KEG’s scope of work included completing a Wetlands and Surface Waters Investigation Report to satisfy State and Federal environmental documentation requirements for IDOT/Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approval.
In support of the completion of the report, KEG’s tasks included collecting background data and conducting a site visit. A wetland and surface water delineation was conducted using the methodology presented in the “Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Midwest Region (2010 USACE Midwest Region Manual).” One potential wetland was investigated within the project survey area during field delineations. It was determined to be a wetland (marsh). In addition, one surface water was investigated within the project limits (a tributary to Lake Calumet). In addition, ten stormwater conveyance or storage features were identified within or immediately adjacent to the project limits. These features were constructed for the purposes of stormwater conveyance or storage. In most cases, the USACE and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) do not require mitigation of constructed stormwater features.
The report was submitted to IDOT in December of 2019.