Case study | Transportation Engineering
IL Route 3 & Olive Street Traffic Impact Study

City of Chester, Illinois
City of Chester, Illinois
Project Cost
Completed August 2011
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) prepared a traffic impact study to determine the impacts the realignment of Olive Street and the expansion of the Chester Center commercial development would have on Illinois Route 3 in Chester, Illinois.
KEG conducted manual intersection turning movement counts at multiple intersections within the study area and incorporated the data in order to model the existing and future traffic volumes along the roadways. Traffic generated by the proposed expansion of the Chester Center development was calculated and added to the traffic model. Due to the realignment of Olive Street and the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of IL Route 3 and Olive Street, traffic from the Menard Correctional Center was reassigned to the local roadway system in the traffic model. The signalized intersection will provide more direct access to Illinois Route 3 from Menard Correctional Center.
These traffic volumes, along with the growth-adjusted background traffic volumes, were used in the traffic signal warrant analysis and the auxiliary turning lane analysis of the intersections of Illinois Route 3 with Olive Street and Illinois Route 3 with Bridge Bypass Road.
The Synchro traffic model was utilized to analyze the operating levels of service of the intersections within the study limits during the AM and PM peak traffic hours of the existing year, construction year, and design year. The study found that a new traffic signal was necessary at the intersection of Illinois Route 3 and Olive Street.
It was also determined that left-turn lanes be installed at the intersection. The traffic signal analysis at the intersection of IL Route 3 and Bridge Bypass Road determined that the installation of a traffic signal is warranted at this intersection as well as the construction of a westbound left-turn lane. The traffic signals will be coordinated to improve traffic flow along Illinois Route 3.
The traffic study findings were presented to the City of Chester and the Illinois Department of Transportation. The study was approved by IDOT in 2011. Funding for the improvements is being sought.