Case study | Structural Engineering
Lenzburg Road Bridge

St. Clair County, Illinois
Edwards Moving and Rigging
Project Cost
Completed March 2010
Peabody Energy purchased transformers from overseas that were shipped to the United States. Once they reached the mouth of the Mississippi River, they were off-loaded onto a barge and shipped the rest of the way up the Kaskaskia River and off-loaded onto land. Edwards Moving and Rigging was responsible for moving the transformers over land and delivering them to the Prairie State Energy Campus in Washington County, Illinois. A support system was needed for the existing Lenzburg Road East Bridge over Mud Creek to support the weight of the transformers and the specialized moving vehicle.
KEG provided structural and geotechnical services, including the design of temporary bridge piers, to allow 1 million pound loads to travel across the existing County bridge structure. Geotechnical services included borings and rock cores, geotechnical analysis, and recommendations for temporary foundations.
KEG’s structural engineers developed the final temporary shoring design which consisted of pile bent piers spaced at 18-foot centers, each consisting of a cast-in-place concrete cap supported by point-bearing micro piles. The temporary pier spacing was set to minimize stresses on the existing superstructure. The existing substructure was assumed to resist dead load only, and the temporary bridge piers were designed to support all live loads.