Case study | Transportation Engineering
Long Range State Transportation Plan

Illinois Department of Transportation
PB World
Project Cost
$500,000 (Study Fee)
Completed December 2012
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) worked as a subconsultant to PB World on the 2012 Long Range State Transportation Plan (LRSTP) for the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). The purpose of the LRSTP is to set forth policies and goals that guide the development of the state transportation system. The Plan identified issues and key needs that will guide IDOT in their investment decisions for the state transportation system through 2032.
Illinois is the 5th most populous of the 50 United States, and transportation has held an important role in creating and shaping the state. With Illinois’ vast multi-modal network, residents, visitors, and businesses rely on the transportation system to foster economic, social, educational, and cultural activity. However, IDOT faces substantial challenges in planning for the future.
Among these challenges is assuring the prudent and productive use of restricted funding resources to preserve the state transportation system, provide for safe travel, and support the standard of living for all residents of Illinois. IDOT is required to consider how its investments enrich the economic viability of the Illinois business community, impact the environment, and increase safety and mobility for multi-modal system users while paying close attention to sustainability and human capital investment.
Rather than a specific list of projects, the Plan provides the overarching strategic framework for the future direction of transportation in Illinois. Difficult decisions will be necessary to address current and emerging transportation problems and concerns. Preserving the value and usefulness of the State’s past investments in highways, transit, airports, waterways, railroads, and trails is critical, but must be achieved while enhancing the system with a focus on safety, sustainability, movement of freight, multi-modal interconnectivity, human capital investment, increased services in intercity rail and public transportation, and improved bike-pedestrian infrastructure.
KEG’s primary role in the project focused on public involvement in the Plan. KEG staff attended public outreach meetings to gather input and seek public awareness and interaction amongst all users of highways, transit, airports, waterways, railroads, and trails. The meetings provided opportunities for citizens throughout the state to offer public comments on recommended plan amendments prior to final decisions being made.