Case study | Transportation Engineering
McClintock Avenue from Mascoutah Avenue to Carlyle Avenue

City of Belleville, Illinois
City of Belleville, Illinois
Project Cost
$1.6 Million
Completed October 2014
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided Phase I and II engineering services to reconstruct roadway and pedestrian facilities on McClintock Avenue from Mascoutah Avenue to Carlyle Avenue, in Belleville, Illinois. The roadway improvements were approximately 0.5 miles, from Mascoutah Avenue to Missouri Avenue and pedestrian accommodations were a 0.4-mile section from Missouri Avenue to Carlyle Avenue. Prior to design and construction, McClintock was a 23-feet-wide, two-lane bituminous major collector with concrete curbs. Five-foot-wide sidewalks with a grass buffer area between the curb and sidewalk were intermittent throughout the project limits. The new roadway was constructed to 24-feet-wide, two-lane full-depth bituminous pavement with concrete curb and gutters and 6-feet-wide ADA-compliant sidewalks on both sides of the roadway.
Phase I services included surveys, temporary construction easement negotiations, and acquisitions, and the development of a project development report (PDR). KEG coordinated with local residents; City and IDOT officials; and utility companies to ensure that the project was completed to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
Phase II services included the preparation of general and detailed plans, contract documents, special provisions, and cost estimates in accordance with the guidelines contained in the Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Manual. The improvements included new full-depth asphalt pavement with aggregate base and curb and gutter with sidewalks along both sides of the roadway. KEG designed a new storm sewer system and coordinated with the City of Belleville on sanitary sewer relocation and replacement. KEG also worked closely with the Illinois American Water Company on water main replacement and Ameren Illinois for utility pole relocation. The design included pavement markings, erosion control, and all necessary permitting.
The project was funded by the Surface Transportation Program-Suballocated (STP-S) using 80% federal and 20% local funding. KEG assisted the City of Belleville with administering allocated Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds for the 20% local match. KEG also supported the City of Belleville with the roadway resurfacing of McClintock Avenue from Missouri Avenue to Carlyle Avenue using MTF funding.
Phase I services included survey, temporary construction easement negotiations and acquisitions, and the development of a project development report (PDR). KEG coordinated with local residents; City and IDOT officials; and utility companies to ensure that the project was completed to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
Phase II services included the preparation of general and detailed plans, contract documents, special provisions, and cost estimates in accordance with the guidelines contained in the Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Manual. The improvements included new full depth asphalt pavement with aggregate base and curb and gutter with sidewalks along both sides of the roadway. KEG designed a new storm sewer system and coordinated with the City of Belleville on sanitary sewer relocation and replacement. KEG also and worked closely with the Illinois American Water Company on water main replacement and Ameren Illinois for utility pole relocation. The design included pavement markings, erosion control, and all necessary permitting.
The project was funded by the Surface Transportation Program-Suballocated (STP-S) using 80% federal and 20% local funding. KEG assisted the City of Belleville with administering allocated Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds for the 20% local match. KEG also supported the City of Belleville with the roadway resurfacing of McClintock Avenue from Missouri Avenue to Carlyle Avenue using MTF funding.