Case study | Environmental Science
MET Council Park and Ride Planning Study and Model Update

Metropolitan Council
SRF Consulting Grou,p, Inc.
Project Cost
Completed 2018
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided planning services in support of an update of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (Metropolitan Council) Travel Demand Model (TDM). Over the last decade, Minneapolis/St. Paul experienced significant changes in population, employment, and new transit corridors/service. In addition to these regional influences, the Metropolitan Council sought to understand the impact of park-and-ride demand from new, and constantly changing, advanced technologies, transportation network companies (Uber/Lyft), autonomous vehicles, and employment locations. These were not accounted for in the Metropolitan Council’s existing park-and-ride demand model, and they desired a model more user-friendly, effective, and responsive to individual site and regional influences.
KEG’s tasks included leading a peer/region agency review of existing park-and-ride TDMs to identify six regions/agencies that utilize park-and-ride demand estimation models for evaluation, and assisting in the evaluation of the Metropolitan Council’s existing park-and-ride TDM. The peer/region agency review resulted in findings incorporated into the update of the Metropolitan Council’s TDM in March of 2018.