Case study | Environmental Science
MNDOT I-35 I-90 Weigh Station

Minnesota Department of Transportation
Alliant Engineering, Inc.
Project Cost
$29,460 (KEG Fee)
Completed 2018
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided environmental services for Alliant Engineering, Inc. in support of improvements to a weigh station on I-35 near Clarks Grove, MN. The project includes extending the acceleration lane, concrete grinding for weigh-in motion scale systems, and roadway widening work near the deceleration lane on I-35. Work on the weigh station area includes overlay/pavement rehabilitation, grading, installing a static scale and access pit and drain field, and installing a pre-fabricated inspection shack.
KEG’s scope of work included completing a Categorical Exclusion Determination (CATEX) to satisfy State and Federal environmental documentation requirements.
In support of the completion of the categorical exclusion determination, KEG’s tasks included collecting data, site visits, and coordination with the client on plan specifications, and previous environmental coordination documents. Together, these supporting tasks and documents aided in the successful approval of the categorical exclusion determination by MNDOT in January of 2018.