Case study | Geotechnical Engineering
MnDOT Metro District Soil Borings Bridge

Minnesota Department of Transportation – Metro District
Raimonde Drilling Company
Project Cost
Completed 2017
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided geotechnical field exploration and engineering documentation services to Raimonde Drilling Corporation for use by the Minnesota Department of Transportation – Metro District at multiple locations spanning four counties in the metro area. The information obtained at these locations will be used by the District in future roadway improvements.
KEG’s geotechnical tasks included field logging of over 180 soil borings, including several pavement cores, and drafting electronic field logs in accordance with MnDOT specifications. Drilling services were provided by the client, Raimonde Drilling Corporation.
After a Notice-to-Proceed was issued in August of 2017, KEG personnel arrived on site to complete the work. The project was under a tight deadline for completion of the fieldwork and submission to the client for a handover to MnDOT in September of 2017. The KEG field engineer completed the field logging of all 180 borings within 9 continuous working days in August spanning both evening and night shifts due to lane closure constraints. The electronic boring and core logs were provided to Raimonde Drilling Corporation on schedule in early September 2017. KEG’s exploration and drafting, combined with a continued partnership with Raimonde Drilling Corporation, resulted in the successful completion of the project on time and within budget.