Case study | Geotechnical Engineering
MnDOT (SP 7005-121) TH 169 and TH 41 Road Reconstruction Bridge

Scott County, Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Transportation – Metro District
Project Cost
$9.2 Million
Estimated Completion 2020
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided geotechnical field exploration and engineering analysis services to the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Metro District for the reconstruction of TH 169 and TH 41 near Shakopee in Scott County, Minnesota. KEG services were provided as part of a Mentor/Protégé agreement with SRF Consulting and MnDOT.
KEG’s geotechnical tasks included field logging of over 174 soil borings, including several pavement cores, and drafting a Materials Design Recommendation (MDR) report, in accordance with MnDOT specifications for improvements to both trunk highways, as part of a larger diverging diamond interchange reconstruction. Pavement designs and Life Cycle Cost Analysis were also provided by KEG personnel in the MDR. Drilling services were provided by Raimonde Drilling Corporation.
After a Notice-to-Proceed was issued in May 2017, the project was under a tight deadline for completion of the fieldwork and the MDR by August of 2017. KEG field engineers completed the field logging of all 174 borings within 9 continuous working days in June and a Draft MDR summarizing the analyses was provided to MnDOT Metro District for review and initial approval ahead of schedule at the end of July 2017. The timing of the deliverable was very important to the schedule of the entire Interchange reconstruction. KEG’s exploration and analysis, with SRF’s engineers’ support, resulted in an economical bituminous pavement section design for use on the TH 169 section of the project and an economical concrete pavement design for the TH 41 section of the project.