Case study | Land Development
Old National Events Center (The Centre) ADA Assessment

Evansville Vanderburgh County Building Authority
Evansville Vanderburgh County Building Authority
Project Cost
$1.5 Million
Completed 2014
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided an American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Assessment for the Old National Events Center (The Centre) in Evansville, Indiana for the Evansville and Vanderburgh County Building Authority. The Centre is a 280,000-square-foot convention center and an auditorium that consists of a 2,500-seat auditorium, a 38,000 square-foot exhibit hall, a 14,000 square-foot ballroom, and 12 flexible 1,000-square-foot meeting rooms.
KEG performed a field evaluation of The Centre for compliance with the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). The evaluation and the resulting opinions of compliance were initial components of the facilities’ ADA transition plan. The assessment included a table of the features appraised during the site visit, stating an opinion of compliance for each feature, the location within the building where the feature was found, and any dimensional or operational factors that may have affected its compliance with the requirements of the ADAAG.
KEG’s evaluation included the following ADAAG requirements:
- The accessible approach and horizontal circulation for stability, accessible route, and dimension requirements;
- Internal ramps for slope, railing, width, and landing requirements;
- Accessible signage at all exterior entrances;
- All entrance doorway dimensions including wall clear space, threshold heights, door handle heights, and door force requirements;
- Interior door dimensions and accessible requirements;
- Emergency egress signage or signals;
- Accessible table and counter dimensions in public areas;
- Stair locations for a non-slip surface and continuous rails;
- All public restrooms for accessible doorways and passages to stalls, toilets, and lavatories; and
- Accessibility to the drinking fountain and telephone areas.