Case study | Recreational Facilities
Powerton Lake SWFA Boat Access and Parking Lot Improvements

Illinois Capital Development Board
Illinois Capital Development Board
Project Cost
Powerton Lake, located in Tazewell County south of Pekin, Illinois, is a 1,426 acre lake built on the floodplain of the Illinois River in 1971 by Commonwealth Edison Company as a cooling reservoir for a fossil-fuel power plant. The existing boat access facility was completed and opened to the public in 1985. The facility includes a two-lane boat ramp, parking for cars and/or trailers, vault toilet and an accessible fishing pier. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has operated the facility under a lease agreement with Commonwealth Edison and now Mission Energy.
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided design and construction services for resurfacing the existing parking lot, provided additional car/trailer parking spaces, reviewed drainage and detention requirements, a new courtesy dock system, new wave attenuator, and reconstructed the existing boat ramp. The existing boat dock system had failed, the boat ramp area was subject to high waves due to winds and the parking lot, and boat ramp required attention. Boaters with disabilities were unable to use this launching facility.
The project site improvements included grading, pavement, curb, sidewalk and other miscellaneous concrete removals, shed and concrete vault toilet removal, new drainage structures, concrete boat ramp, pavement patching, HMA paving, wave attenuators, accessible floating docks, sidewalk paving, concrete curb, prefabricated security/storage building, removal/replacement of site lighting, addition of an informational kiosk, pavement striping, and other related work.
KEG also provided inspection and construction supervision during the construction phase, answered contractor questions during the bidding phase, directed the contractor through the completion of the project, and provided as-built drawings.
The project was funded through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife federal reimbursement program and required submission of plans and specifications through the Federal Aid Coordinator for federal review and approval.