Case study | Transportation Engineering
PTB 176-34 Long Range State Transportation Plan

Illinois Department of Transportation
Illinois Department of Transportation
Project Cost
$835,000 (Study Fee)
Completed 2020
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) led the transportation planning services for the Illinois Department of Transportation – Office of Planning and Programming (IDOT-OP&P) in support of an update to the Illinois Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) to satisfy federal and state requirements. In completing this project, KEG managed WSP and DAMA Consultants, Inc, as subconsultants.
The Illinois LRTP was last updated in 2012. IDOT is required to complete an LRTP every five years, per state legislation. The primary purpose of the LRTP is to provide strategic direction for the development of the Illinois transportation system. The LRTP vision for transportation in Illinois is to provide innovative, sustainable, and multimodal transportation solutions that support local goals and grow Illinois’ economy. This vision was established in conjunction with thousands of stakeholders who participated in outreach activities conducted by IDOT-OP&P throughout the planning process.
KEG’s scope of work included a data review of IDOT’s existing supporting plans (i.e. Bicycle Plan, Multimodal Plan, etc.), an update of IDOT’s Transportation System Update (a compilation of IDOT system data), development of goals and objectives for the LRTP, identification of performance measures and targets in support of the goals and objectives, recommendations for implementation of the goals and objectives, and a performance measures report. The five overarching goals/chapters that were the basis of the overall development of the LRTP included economy, livability, mobility, resiliency, and stewardship. The LRTP was approved in the Spring of 2020.