Case study | Construction Inspection
PTB 184.016 Various Construction Inspection Projects, IDOT D3

Illinois Department of Transportation
Farnsworth Group, Inc.
Project Cost
$118,000 (KEG Fee)
Completed 2020
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided construction inspection for various resurfacing projects on IL 50, US 45/52, and IL 9 in IDOT District 3. The projects included raised reflective pavement marker removal, existing asphalt removal, and resurfacing with various depths of new asphalt, shoulders, and new pavement markings. KEG provided inspection, project staking, construction layout, yield checks, field checks, traffic control inspection, documentation of quantities and materials, and any other duties necessary to complete the project in accordance with the plans, specifications, and special provisions.
US 45/52, Kankakee County, IL – Construction Inspection services for the milling and 2 ¼” of resurfacing on of US Route 45/52 from Indian Oaks Road to Manteno/Deselm Road. The project consisted of raised reflective pavement marker removal, existing asphalt removal, new surface course, aggregate shoulders, traffic control & protection and pavement markings.
IL 50, Kankakee County, IL – Construction Inspection services for approximately 1.8 miles of 3P milling and of resurfacing on IL 50 from 0.5 miles north of St. George Road to 0.2 miles north of I 57 in Bradley, Illinois. The project consisted of pavement marking removal, existing asphalt removal, new asphalt pavement surface, and new pavement markings.
IL 50, Kankakee County, IL – Construction Inspection services for approximately two miles of shoulder milling, widening and rumble strips along IL 50 from 0.45 miles north of 6000N Road to 0.11 miles north of 2000E Road. The project’s purpose was to improve the safety of motorists traveling along with section of IL 50.
IL 9, Ford County, IL – Construction Inspection services for 4.15 miles of HMA rotomilling with 3.75” of new asphalt surface on IL 9 from the McLean/Ford County Line to just west of IL 47 in Gibson City, Illinois. Spot guardrail updating and culvert cleaning were also included with this project. The project consisted of pavement patching, existing asphalt removal, new surface course, aggregate shoulders, and pavement markings.