Case study | Transportation Engineering
PTB 188-16 IL 50 at Armour Road Phase II

Illinois Department of Transportation
ESA Consultants, Inc.
Project Cost
$10 Million
Completed 2021 (Professional Services)
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided engineering consulting services for the Phase II design of the intersection at IL 50 and Armour Road with additional thru and turn lanes on Armour Road, including the intersections of Armour Road with Arthur Burch Drive, Locke Drive, and the entrance to the CSL Behring in the Village of Bourbonnais and the City of Bradley in Kankakee County, Illinois for the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) District 4. The project involved the development of Phase II plans, specifications, and estimates for the intersection improvement. KEG was tasked with generating maintenance of traffic (MOT) plans for six stages of construction, typical sections, and details; traffic signal design, including both temporary and permanent signals; and pavement marking and signage design.
Due to design changes, MOT, traffic signal, pavement marking and signage design plans required updates to accommodate modifications from the west end of Armour Road to Arthur Burch Drive in order to match a 5-lane section west of the project limits. In addition, KEG developed the necessary changes to the signal plans for a 10’ wide multi-use path which was relocated to the west side of IL 50, as well as edits required to add a 7’ wide sidewalk on the south side of Armour Road west of Arthur Burch Drive to the west end. These sidewalk modifications changed the formerly proposed layout of the traffic signal components.
Finally, KEG updated the pavement marking design and plans to accommodate changes in the sidewalk layout and their subsequent crosswalks and painted islands to match the larger crosswalk widths and alignment modifications. Edits were also required to adjust pavement marking and signing on the west end of Armour Road to Arthur Burch to match the 5-lane section west of the project limits.