Case study | Construction Inspection
Townline Road Reconstruction

City of Peoria, Illinois
Farnsworth Group, Inc.
Project Cost
$1.1 Million
Completed November 2014
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided construction engineering and materials testing for the improvements to Townline Road in Peoria, Illinois. The project limits were from Industrial Road to University Street, consisting of a three-lane, quarter-mile-long truck route through an industrial section of the City. The improvements included new concrete pavement, curbs and gutter, and storm drain inlets. The project also included the installation of a new asphalt bike trail on the north side of the roadway as well as a new sidewalk on the south side. All existing driveway approaches will also be removed and replaced.
KEG supplied a full-time Resident Technician (RT) who provided general construction observation and project documentation including maintaining a Project Diary, Quantity Book, Inspector’s Daily Reports, and Resident Engineer (RE) Weekly Reports. The RT also performed all concrete testing, including test cylinders, slump, air content, and temperature readings.
KEG personnel also provided Quality Assurance oversight for the Contractor’s Quality Control, field calculations, and final measurements to the City of Peoria’s RE. KEG staff worked with the City Engineering Department and the contractor to complete this project in a timely manner.