Case study | Transportation Engineering
Value Engineering Study FAI-74 and FAI-57 Champaign, IL

Illinois Department of Transportation
Bacon Farmer Workman Engineering & Joint Testing/Crawford, Murphy, and Tilley Joint Venture
Project Cost
$140 Million
Estimated Completion 2020
The Illinois Department of Transportation conducted a value engineering study of the I-57 and I-74 Interchange Reconstruction projects in Champaign, Illinois. The existing interchange was constructed in 1965. The purpose of this project is to eliminate deficient geometric features, improve travel efficiency, and increase the traffic capacity of the roadways by implementing policy design speed and cross-sectional elements on both mainline interstates and ramps.
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) led, facilitated, and participated in the value engineering study. The initial brainstorming meeting produced 25 potential ideas that were discussed and evaluated. The Team then reduced the potential ideas to 5 design recommendations, all of which were studied in detail. The 5 recommendations evaluated by the VE Team included:
- Reducing the design speed from 75 mph to 70 mph
- Designing a modern cloverleaf with partial collector/distributor roadways
- Reconstructing the modern cloverleaf to meet current design standards
- Reducing the flyover ramp’s outside shoulder width
- Rehabilitating existing I-57 mainline pavement instead of total reconstruction
After studying the five recommendations and evaluating them for potential cost savings and performance improvements, the VE Team prepared and presented the results to project stakeholders from the Illinois Department of Transportation and Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly.
Kaskaskia Engineering Group prepared a Value Engineering Study Final Report summarizing the work of the study and submitted the report to the Illinois Department of Transportation.