Case study | Surveying
Various Surveys and Right-of-Way Plats

Illinois Department of Transportation
Clarida & Ziegler Engineering
Project Cost
Completed 2014
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG), as DBE subconsultant to Clarida & Ziegler Engineering Co., performed Microstation and Geopak support services for the various types of surveys and various deliverables required by Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) District 9. KEG processed the field survey data for hydraulic, topographic, and right-of-way surveys.
KEG provided the reduced survey files for IDOT’s review and approval in both Microstation and Geopak. KEG also prepared preliminary right-of-way plats and legal descriptions. The various surveys were utilized by IDOT and their consultants to prepare Phase I and Phase II engineering designs for bridge rehabilitation and replacement projects throughout District 9. Work Orders under this contract included:
- Illinois Route 34, Saline County
- Old US 51, Union County
- Old US 51 Survey & Plats , Union County
- Illinois Route 1 Hydraulic Survey, White County
- Illinois Route 1 Survey & Plat, White County
- Illinois Route 1 Hydraulic Survey, Gallatin County
- Old Illinois Route 13 Hydraulic Survey, Jackson County
- Illinois Route 141 DTM, White County
- Illinois Route 13 at New Era Road DTM, Jackson County
- Interstate 57 Survey & ROW, Jackson County
- Illinois Route 13 DTM – Giant City Road to McKinney Street, Jackson County
- Illinois Route 13 at McKinney, Carbondale
- Illinois Route 15 at Harmony Lane Survey, Opdyke
- Illinois Route 15 at Woodlawn Road DTM, Jefferson County
- Illinois Route 15 at Woodlawn Road Survey & ROW, Jefferson County