case study | Water Resources
West Main Street Sewer Separation – 6th Street to 12th Street

City of Belleville, Illinois
City of Belleville, Illinois
Project Cost
$1 Million
Completed 2020
Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC (KEG) provided phase II engineering services to separate the existing combined sewer system into a new separate dedicated storm sewer system to eliminate excess flow and help satisfy the requirements of an IEPA Consent Decree.
The improvements are approximately 0.3 miles of West Main Street, from 6th Street to 12th Street, and 0.1 miles from West Main Street heading south on 12th street. KEG defined the drainage areas, sized the storm sewer, established grades, determined inlet spacing, and designed the outlet route and structure. The design also included encroachment calculations. The existing combined storm and sanitary sewer were left in place to serve as the sanitary sewer while a new storm sewer system was constructed.
Phase II services included the preparation of general and detailed plans, special provisions, and cost estimates in accordance with the City of Belleville’s Code.