Whether it’s the construction of a major roadway, the restoration of a streambed, or the modeling of a water distribution system, KEG provides high-quality, personalized service to clients and communities. We are a full-service civil engineering, environmental, and contracting firm with an impressive portfolio of federal, state, county, municipal, and private project experience.
Our professional staff understands and appreciates the challenges our clients face and is committed to overcoming even the most complex problems to accomplish their goals. The KEG team of engineers, scientists, and technicians is dedicated to finding a solution that works best to meet your needs, founded on sustainable practices.
Transportation Engineering
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Our Transportation Planners and Engineers are able to take a concept and move the idea forward towards reality, balancing the impacts and benefits to the local community. We have performed transportation planning for projects that range in size from small projects with localized impacts to large projects that have regional and statewide significance. By working collaboratively with our clients, we can create multi-modal engineering projects that benefit us all.
Our engineers and support staff have the education, training, and experience to design multi-modal transportation projects that enhance our communities by increasing safety, providing mobility, reducing pollution, and increasing economic development, thus creating job opportunities, all the while respecting the environment in which we live.
- Planning Studies
- Traffic Data Collection, Analysis, & Modeling
- Interchange & Intersection Design Studies
- New Alignments, Realignments, & Resurfacing
- Highway Plans, Cost Estimates, Specifications, & Bid Analysis
- Utility Coordination & Engineering
- Maintenance of Traffic Plans
- Design/Build Partnerships
- Value Engineering
- ADA Sidwalk & Trail Design
- Right-of-Way Negotiation
Structural Engineering
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KEG’s structural engineering team has the education, training,
experience, and licensure to plan, design, and inspect a vast array of buildings, bridges, retaining walls, culverts, and other structure types to meet the safety, functionality, constructability, aesthetics, and cost-effectiveness for all of our client’s needs.
- Steel Bridge Design
- Concrete Bridge Design
- Type, Size &, Location (TS&L) Details
- Bridge Condition Reports
- Temporary Shoring Plans & Design
- Sign Truss Inspection
- NBIS Bridge Inspections
Geotechnical Engineering
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Our geotechnical engineers are proficient in the application of
soil and engineering mechanics, subsurface exploration methods,
and laboratory investigation techniques.
KEG has the experience and the expertise to investigate and evaluate complex subsurface conditions. We have performed geotechnical investigations for major river crossings, levees, municipal buildings, commercial and industrial developments, roads, utilities, tunnels, and dams.
- Geotechnical Report Preparation
- Subsurface Exploration
- Foundation Engineering
- Pavement & Subgrade Design
- Slope Stability Analysis
- Earth Dam & Levee Assessment
- Retaining Wall Assessment & Design
- Slope Failure Investigations
- Groundwater Monitoring
- Seismic Surveys
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Surveys
- Frequency Domain Electromagnetic (FDEM) Imaging
- Electrical Resistivity
Water Resource Management
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KEG’s hydraulic engineers have the experience and expertise to evaluate, analyze, and design a wide variety of stormwater and flood management facilities for large-scale transportation projects, local agency improvements, major and minor stream crossings, and on-site stormwater management for commercial and residential developments. We are also experienced in a wide variety of sanitary and combined sewer system analysis and design projects, on-site sewage treatment, and wastewater collection systems.
- Storm Sewer, Bridge, & Pipe Culvert Analysis
- Lake & Dam Design & Permitting
- Federal, State, & Local Agency Permitting
- Stream Channel Analysis & Design
- Drainage Structure Inspection & Evaluation
- HEC-RAS Flood Profile Analysis
- Floodplain & Flood Risk Analysis
Environmental Science
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Our environmental scientists and engineers understand the diverse federal and state rules and policies and can shepherd any project through these cumbersome regulations to bring value to the community, while respecting the environment in which we all live.
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
- Environmental Assessments (EA)
- Preliminary Environmental Site Assessments (PESA)
- Categorical Exclusions (CE)
- Threatened & Endangered Species Identification
- Wetland Delineations & Mitigation
- Public Involvement & Stakeholder Meetings
- Open Space, Recreational, and 4(f) Studies
- Noise Studies
- Waterway & Storm Water Permitting, including Section 404/401 Permitting
Construction Inspection
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KEG provides construction management, construction observation, and materials testing services on both in-house projects and on projects designed by others. We provide these services to both public and private clients and are familiar with the increasing complex national, state, and local standards and specifications. Our clients benefit from our experience and knowledgeable staff that is ACI certified.
As part of our role, we answer contractors’ questions, communicate details, and provide full or part-time resident engineering services. Since the actual construction is often a busy and stressful time for our clients, our presence during construction gives the owner peace of mind.
- Resident Engineer/Construction Observation
- Materials Testing
- Project Documentation
- Final Measurements, Calculations, & Contract Records
- Constructability Review
- Environmental Compliance Monitoring
- Record Drawings
- Erosion Control & Protection Best Management Practices
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
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KEG’s GIS technicians have many years of experience in mapping
and work alongside our engineers and environmental scientists
to provide technical support on a wide range of projects.
These projects include multi-modal, recreational, governmental, and private developments. Our staff is trained in the latest technology and software available in the industry today.
- Spatial Analysis
- Noise & Hydraulic Modeling
- Utility Data Collection & Mapping
- National Wetland Inventory Mapping
- Asset Data Collection & Management
- Aerial Mosaics
- Geospatial Analysis
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KEG’s Professional Land Surveyors have the education, working knowledge, experience, and equipment to assist government agencies, property owners, land developers, attorneys, lending institutions, and title companies with all their surveying needs. Our staff is committed to providing all of our clients the highest quality survey work that is completed on time and within budget.
Surveying services are based out of our St. Paul, Minnesota office.
- Full Survey Services for Roadway Reconstruction
- Full Survey Services for Residential and Commercial Development
- ALTA Surveys
- Horizontal and Vertical Control Surveys
- Aerial Mapping and Control Surveys
- Utility and Feature Mapping
- Planimetric and Topographic Surveys
- Construction Staking Services
- Monitoring and Reporting
- Environmental Resource Surveys
- Hydrology and Hydrography Floodplain Surveys
- Contractor Control Surveys
- Oil and Energy Preliminary and As-Built Data Collection
- As-Built Surveys
Land Development
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KEG’s engineers, planners, and GIS technicians have the working knowledge and experience to assist owners in the development of residential subdivisions, new public buildings and expansions, commercial sites, shopping centers, and industrial parks.
Our staff members have worked on successful projects that range from small, single site developments to large, high traffic volume generating developments.
- Subdivision Platting & Zoning
- Master Development & Land Planning
- Stormwater Management, Detention, & Retension Basins
- Site Layout, Grading, & Earthwork Design
- Local, State, & Federal Permitting
- EPA Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Conceptual Site Plan Rendering
- Demolition Plans
Recreational Facilities
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KEG’s planners, environmental scientists, engineers and public involvement employees work on projects that enhance the quality of life in our communities. These projects are widely used by our friends and neighbors and include parks, recreational facilities, boat ramps, ball fields, pedestrian/bike paths and buildings to support these facilities.
- Bike, Pedestrian, and Recreational Path Design
- Design of Sustainable Features
- ADA Compliant Site Design
- Domestic Water and Fire Service Distribution
- Detention and Retention Basins
- Utility Design and Coordination
- Landscape Layout and Design
- Park Master Plans
Funding & Grants
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KEG’s staff has worked with federal and state agencies that have various project funding sources and grant opportunities.
KEG understands the application processes that each agency utilizes and what it takes to prepare an application that gets noticed. We have been very successful in securing sought-after funding and grants.
Large or small, federal or state, public or private, KEG is
the firm that can assist in securing the necessary funds for our
client’s project.
- Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Funding
- Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funding
- Highway Bridge Program (HBP) Funding
- Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Funding
- Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE)
- Congestion Management Air Quality Program (CMAQ)
- Tax Increment Financing (TIF)